On 16th November last, the General Direction of Roads awarded to the joint venture FHECOR INGENIEROS CONSULTORES, S.A. - META ENGINEERING, S.A - M&K INGENIERÍA CIVIL, S.L.P. the contract for the DRAFTING OF THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: A-30 HIGHWAY. CAPACITY EXPANSION. Section: CONNECTION WITH A-33 MOTORWAY IN BLANCA - CONNECTION WITH NORTH-WEST ARC IN ARCHENA, in the province of Murcia, with a completion period of 36 months.
The works will consist of the drafting and preparation of the necessary documents to define in detail the works to be carried out to increase the capacity of the A-30 motorway, in the section between the A-33 junction in Blanca and the junction with the northwest arc of Murcia in Archena.