Martorell Interchange

Barcelona, Spain

Structural typology: ROAD & HIGHWAY BRIDGES
Date: September, 2025
Scope: detailed design

The project will consist of the drafting and preparation of the necessary documents to define in detail the works to be carried out for the 8.9 km extension, creation of new junctions, and remodeling of existing ones for the redistribution of traffic demand after the end of the concession as a toll highway, becoming part of the State Road Network.

The project presents a greater technical complexity due to the extension of three viaducts over the Llobregat River and two near the Martorell nucleus, among other structures.

The Martorell junction is one of the roads with the highest traffic flow in Spain, increasing as it approaches the metropolitan area of Barcelona, where it exceeds 100,000 vehicles per day. Therefore, this project, in which we will participate, is essential to solving the functional problems of the high traffic in the area.