2019 Puka Mayu, Bolivia

En 2019, en el altiplano sur de Bolivia, un grupo de voluntarios de Fhecor viajó a la Localidad de Tarvita para la construcción de una pasarela peatonal que diera acceso a un pabellón deportivo desde la escuela primaria y secundaria, donde a diario se hacía gimnasia. Por las tardes, adquiría vida como centro de ocio para la comunidad.
El acceso al pabellón requería de un rodeo que los habitantes de Tarvita solían evitar cruzando el río Pukamayu como podían. Un río que la mayor parte del año tiene cauce bajo y con mayor o menor dificultad podían cruzar, pero que no estaba exento de riesgo.
En época de lluvias, el río se convierte en un torrente peligroso que separa el pueblo en dos, con limitados accesos entre ambos márgenes del río Pukamayu.
La pasarela, de 30m de longitud constituye una mejora en la calidad de vida diaria de más de 600 personas.
¿Quieres saber más? Visita el blog del viaje en:

2018 San Vicente, Nicaragua

During the months of February and March of 2018, FHECOR cooperated with the NGO “Bridges to Prosperity” in a solidary project for second time. As the year before, the project consisted on the building of a footbridge in a rural area of Nicaragua that benefits its inhabitants.

FHECOR was the only spanish company to collaborate with B2P for second year in a row. In this occasion, we could share our experience with the North-American company WESTON&SAMPSON. In this project both companies participated as partners, providing a total amount of 50,000 $ (USD) for the developing of the project and the materials; and 10 people of their staff (5 per company) to form the team that travelled to Nicaragua to build the footbridge. Additionally, the whole team received the necessary IPE (Individual protection Equipment) and all the material for the inaugural day (T-shirts, banner...).

The 68m-span suspension footbridge, located at Jinotega province, links the Councils of Santa María de Pantasma and El Cuá. The new structure spans the Gusanera river waterway and allows the connection between the communities of San Vicente, Pita Abajo, Los Laureles, Pita el Carmen y Valle de los Orozcos. Around 4,000 people will be benefit from the communities above; so the communication problems and the risks of the people than crosses the river daily are reduced. Therefore this project achieves the objective of activating social and economic development of the area.

In the course of the construction, the local communities were actively involved in the activities. The construction itself was an event for the entire community so there were always eagers (children and adults) around the bridge site. Due to the interest of the people, a visit to the local school of San Vicente was arranged to explain to the children our mission in their community.

In order to receive more information regarding this project, the construction process and the daily work on site, you can access to the blog in the website

2017 Monte Verde, Nicaragua

In May 2017, FHECOR developed together with the NGO Bridges to Prosperity (B2P), a solidarity project for the construction of a footbridge in a rural area in Nicaragua. Project awarded by the Spanish Institution of Civil Engineers of Madrid in the 10th ceremony of the Demarcation Awards of Madrid, under the category of SOCIAL “RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY“, Held on November 30th, 2017.

Five FHECOR volunteers were chosen to be part of the team that traveled to Central America for the construction of this footbridge, which serves a rural area and avoid the isolation of many neighboring communities in the rainy season. With this footbridge, hundreds of people are able to cross the river, safely, to go to the doctor, markets or schools; that would otherwise pose a risk to their lives. This project has activated the social and economic development of the area.

With this project, FHECOR became the first Spanish engineering company to collaborate with B2P. Circumstance that encourages us to disseminate and share the experience with other companies in our working field, to turn it into the first of many other collaborative projects that will come from now and we hope several Spanish companies could actively collaborate.

For this project, FHECOR participated as sponsor, contributing 25000£ (GBP) for the development of the project and materials, additionally to contributing with 5 members of its staff to the team, who took part of the building of this suspension bridge for 2 weeks of work (one of these weeks, is donated by FHECOR volunteers of their holidays). In addition to this, FHECOR provided information, training, provision of PPE, T-shirts, canvas, etc.

The project consisted on the construction of a footbridge in Monte Verde, Nicaragüa. It serves the communities of Monte Verde and La Curena, located near the city of Palacagüina in the region of Madriz. The footbridge crosses the Estelí River close to where a previous structure existed but which collapsed last year due to the erosion caused in the rainy season by the strong currents and the displacement of rocks and trees. Since then, two people have disappeared and many others have been injured attempting to cross this mighty river that can reach more than 6 meters deep.

This is a mountainous region where there are more than 500 farms and ranches. On the left there are the schools, the health center and the means of transportation to reach the main cities of Palacagüina and Condega. Farmers on the right side of the river had virtually impossible access to means of transport needed to market their products before they are spoiled and that is why their economies were directly affected. In addition to this they could not even reach the medical or education center.

After finishing and inaugurating, last May 12th, the footbridge benefits about 5800 people and provides them with both safety and greater opportunities.

For more information and a detailed follow-up of the day-to-day work and progress of this collaborative project you can access the blog prepared for this purpose on the web

Below is the extract of the gala where the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Award 2017 by Madrid's Demarcation - is given to the M4M project. The full content of the ceremony is accessible on the web: